Ipswich Art Society 2024 show

Art in the Heart of Ipswich is a summer celebration marking 150 years of Ipswich Arts Society, with a range of exhibitions, activities, workshops and other events across the town and beyond.

There are three main venues, St Clement’s Arts Centre, The Hold and Christchurch Mansion, with a map and town art trail to follow as well!

The Mayor of Ipswich for 2023/24 Lynne Mortimer opened the society’s annual open show at St Clement’s Church on Saturday 4 May, and paid tribute to the members of the society and its importance to town.

The annual open show invites submissions of work for inclusion and getting selected for the exhibition is always a special achievement!

There's a wide range of works of art in the show this year, and it is open daily at St Clement's Church until 15 June. 
Admission is free and you can find out more online atwww.Ipswich-art-society.org.uk

The photographs supplied were taken by David Vincent. 


St Clement's Church, St Clements Church Lane, Ipswich, IP3 1LW


04/05/2024 - 15/06/2024

