A Brief Guide to Medieval Sexuality

Join Dr Eleanor Janega for her brief guide to medieval sexuality and discover the ways that medieval people thought and wrote about sex and sexuality. 

In particular, Dr Janega will discuss the philosophical and theological ideas about sex, pleasure, and gendered sexuality, as well as how the Church sought to regulate sexual practices. Explore how practice and theory usually did not align, and the medieval world's idea of sexuality is extremely different from our own. 

Dr Janega gained her undergraduate degree in History (with honours) from Loyola University Chicago, and holds an MA (with distinction) in Medieval Studies and a PhD in history, both from University College London.She is a guest teacher in the London School of Economics Department of International History, and teaches a standalone online course on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Janega co-hosts the Going Medieval documentary strand on the History Hit network. She also co-hosts the Gone Medieval podcast, and has often appeared on radio and television.


University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building, Neptune Quay, Ipswich, IP4 1QJ


08/06/2024 - 08/06/2024

